Our mission is to provide the most effective fire inhibitors and fire extinguishing products that can be used in various settings to help save lives, homes, businesses, properties, etc. from the ravages of uncontrolled fires, while maximizing the safety and preparedness of our first responders and protecting our precious earth from harmful chemicals.
PYROCHILL® Solutions Inc. delivers fire safety and extinguishing products with the emphasis on the company’s proprietary formulation known as PYROCHILL… a non-toxic, biodegradable, fire inhibitor. Unlike toxic retardants that merely delay the amount of time before combustion, any porous material treated with PYROCHILL will never catch on fire (per specifications as printed on packaging).
PYROCHILL® Solutions Inc. strives to be a company that delivers innovative fire inhibiting and extinguishing technologies and fire safety products to the general public, U.S. Forestry Services, National Parks and Wildlife, the Department of Defense, State and Local governments, Fire Departments, Police Departments, Airports, Harbor Masters, and Wildfire Management organizations. Our goal is to assist you in all of your fire safety concerns with products that work and keep on working. What differentiates us from other suppliers and contractors is our completely green, toxin-free formulation that is highly effective for extinguishing fires and preventing fires, while preserving the environment.
Manufacturer and distributor of PYROCHILL®, a non toxic, biodegradable fire inhibitor that is used in:
Wildfire - for the prevention and extinguishing of wildfires, creating fire breaks and perimeters,
Industry - for fireproofing various products and coatings during the manufacturing process
Home, Business, Government, Education - Suppliers of fire safety products to the general public, businesses, U.S. Forestry Services, National Parks and Wildlife, the D.O.D.,state and local governments, Fire Departments, Police Department, Airports, Harbor Masters, and Wildfire Management Companies.
Manufacturer and distributor of the following fire extinguishing devices:
Ask us about becoming a PYROCHILL Distributor or PYROCHILL Licensed Business - info@pyrochill.com

What is PYROCHILL, how it works, and
why PYROCHILL is the most effective product of its kind today.

Unlike most flame retardants that merely delay the amount of time before something catches on fire, PYROCHILL is a fire inhibitor product. PYROCHILL prevents any treated material from combusting into flames.​ When PYROCHILL is present, it can act in three key ways to prevent fire ignition.
PYROCHILL disrupts the combustion stage of a fire cycle, including the prevention of “flash-over,” or the burst of flames that engulfs a room and makes it much more difficult if not impossible to escape.
PYROCHILL limits the process of decomposition by physically encapsulating the available fuel sources from the material source with a fire-resisting “char” layer.
PYROCHILL dilutes the flammable gases and oxygen concentrations in the flame formation zone by emitting nanoparticles of water, nitrogen and other inert gases when it encounters heat or flame.

Ready to Get Started?
To Place an Order, contact our sales team -
sales@pyrochill.com or 800-961-2456
Have Questions? Email us at info@pyrochill.com,
or give us a call at 800-961-2456
Want to schedule a consultation to talk about your specific requirements? Let us know what works for you and we will schedule a free consultation.