PYROCHILL® Investors

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Private Offering
Available to Accredited Investors*
*as defined by the SEC
PYROCHILL Solutions, Inc.
Price per share: $1.00/share
Number of shares available for purchase: 1,000,000
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Executive Summary
PYROCHILL Solutions, Inc. is US based corporation that was founded in 2020. We are the patent holder and exclusive manufacturer of PYROCHILL – a highly effective fire inhibitor and extinguishing agent that is PFAS-free, VOC-free, and non-toxic. Our mission is to provide the most effective fire inhibitors and fire extinguishing products that can save lives, homes, businesses, properties, etc. from the ravages of uncontrolled fires, while maximizing the safety and preparedness of our first responders and protecting our precious earth from harmful chemicals.
Over the last 50 fifty years, advances in the science of fire retardants allowed firefighters to have effective sprays and foams to assist in the containment and extinguishing of uncontrolled fires. However, as we learned more about these chemicals which have a multitude of peripheral uses, it has become clear that these PFAS-containing chemicals have devastating effects on the land, water, and living things upon close contact or long-term exposure. In the US, this has led to legislation focused on banning these chemicals on Federal and state levels. On a global scale, many countries are working together and individually to implement similar agreements and legislation.
While the legislative processes and timelines differ, in the area of fire retardants and extinguishing agents, every one of these efforts across the globe has one thing in common - a critical and urgent need for a non-toxic, PFAS-free, earth- and human-friendly approach to preventing, containing, and extinguishing fires.
PYROCHILL is poised to address this need now.
At PYROCHILL, our formulations are 100% VOC-free, contain zero PFAS or toxic chemicals of any form, and all of our ingredients are listed on the EPA Safer Chemical List. Our formulations that are classified under Coatings and Paints have been certified/verified by Green Seal, and we are in the process of applying for approval as an EPA Safer Choice Standard product. To date, there are no products for wildfire fighting or industry that have achieved this label, so we look forward to the possibility of qualifying for this status.
While being eco-friendly is a breakthrough in the fire retardant industry, it is only meaningful if the efficacy of our products are the same or better than what is currently on the market.
And here is where PYROCHILL sets another new standard.
PYROCHILL’s unique triple action (see www.pyrochill.com/about) is so effective at stopping combustion (vs. delaying combustion), that we have named it a fire inhibitor (vs. a fire retardant) to better reflect this advanced capability. Materials that are properly treated with PYROCHILL will not combust for indefinite periods of time vs. a shorter-term delay. PYROCHILL’s fire extinguishing properties are the third pillar delivering unparalleled fire extinguishing with its unique ability to dilute flammable gas and oxygen when exposed to flames.
Our effectiveness has been validated by many flammability tests, most notably the ASTM E84 (also known as UL 723, NFPA 255, UBC 8-1 or Steiner Tunnel test) where we recently received a CLASS A rating when tested on pine wood. We scored a 20 on the flame spread index and a 10 on the smoke index, which means PYROCHILL is highly effective and has the lowest smoke score of any product on the market. While the E84 test is used to test the flammability of building materials, the results point to PYROCHILL's effectiveness on any cellulose material including use in the fighting of wildfires and/or for use in fire-breaks and perimeter treatments.
We have offerings in the areas of:
Firefighting and Wildfire – Fire extinguishing additives, extinguishing foams, and fire breaks. Note that PYROCHILL is ideal for spraying fire breaks and perimeters.
Industry – We have formulations for both water-based applications including a latex paint additive formulation as well as a new formulation that can be added to oil/alkyd-based coatings.
Home, Business, State, Local, Education – PYROCHILL has fire extinguishing devices for use in all of these settings. Our Snuff Bomb is an alternative or supplement to fire extinguishers. And our patented Ancillary Device is a ceiling-mounted device that delivers a low-cost, highly effective option for use as an ancillary firefighting system inside homes and buildings. NOTE: Our vision is to initiate a partnership program to give back by providing our ancillary device to underserved communities that have the highest number of outdated structures without sprinkler systems.
First Responders -Coming up - Look for our next product, exclusively for First Responders: : The PYROCHILL Propel Family of products – Giving first responders the ability to safely propel PYROCHILL-filled projectiles to extinguish fires, clear safe exits, etc.
PYROCHILL is currently offering private equity shares for sale to accredited investors through a 506(c) offering to expand our sales/marketing and manufacturing capabilities, finalize patents, and continue our efforts to educate and serve. Please see www.pyrochill.com/investors for more information or contact us at investorrelations@pyrochill.com.
Stop fire. Save the Earth.